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Nepali Canadian Audience Expresses Love for Subedi’s Grilling of Dr. Ghimire on CEO & Executive Talk Series.
Updated at:- 2024-09-19

Nepali Canadian Audience Expresses Love for Subedi’s Grilling of Dr. Ghimire on CEO & Executive Talk Series.

Captivating Nepali Canadian Audience Applauds Meticulous Presenter Ms. Esha Subedi as she Engages Dr. Ghimire, a Quantum Metaphysics (Athrvaved) Doctorate, in CEO & Executive Series.

 Dr. Narayan Ghimire was interviewed by the popular moderator of the CEO & Executive Series, Ms. Esha Subedi, on behalf of the Federation of Canada Nepal Chamber of Commerce on Saturday, June 11, 2023.

Ms. Subedi, a very amicable and polite presenter, put meticulous effort into extracting contemporary issues related to disruptive innovations in recent times. The presentation was simple yet focused on delving into the root of current creations practiced in the American region.

 We have summarized the key takeaways from the discussion to benefit our audience. This summary will be helpful to our audience based on their interests and areas of work. Thank you.

  Question by Ms. Esha Subedi: How would you like to introduce yourself as a food and drug scientist? Also, can you share some insight about a recent PhD in Atharvaveda?

Answer by Dr. Ghimire: As a food and drug science professional, I am thrilled to introduce myself and share my expertise in the healing food and flavors sectors. With extensive experience in the field, I have honed my skills in reviewing high-volume demands for custom-designed flavorings and food micro-ingredients and evaluating their intended use.

 One of my key responsibilities has been advising Account Managers on quality control, regulatory compliance, and quality by-design expectations. By doing so, I have ensured that our customers receive highly innovative ingredients suitable for their intended operations and use in various industries, such as food, flavor, cannabis, phytochemical, pharmaceutical, cosmetic, and animal feed.

 Beyond my technical knowledge, I deeply understand global regulatory issues, import-export requirements, and certification standards for quality and specialty ingredients. I have guided numerous customers through the complexities of regulatory compliance, helping them ensure that their products meet the highest quality and safety standards.

 Working with customers globally has been a source of great pride for me. I thrive in changing markets, where I can assist clients in finding the right ingredients to meet their evolving demands. My strong communication and problem-solving skills have enabled me to build lasting relationships with clients, providing exceptional service throughout our collaborations.

 My background in food and drug science and my expertise in regulatory compliance and customer service make me a valuable asset. I am dedicated to delivering innovative solutions and helping businesses thrive in the ever-changing landscape of the food and flavors sectors to build healing attributes in food and medicine by design.

 As a recent PhD graduate in Atharvaveda, my research focused on the intricate relationship between our thoughts, emotions, willpower, and various elements, such as breath, food, water, sunlight, and sound, and how they collectively contribute to restoring and maintaining our health.

 In my thesis, I explored the significance of a self-organizing, multilayered, and integrated system that allows for extensive interactions, ultimately promoting optimal body and mind functioning. To support this concept, I examined two case studies: the self-organization and complex multi-layer self-assembly of DNA and the multilayered structure of silicon chips that resemble the behavior of neurons in the human brain. These case studies demonstrated how a balanced constitution of doshas and a multilayered structure could facilitate healthy functioning.

 My research findings suggest that active principles, which support such a complex and self-organizing structure with ample surface area for activity, contribute to a rapid and holistic restoration of the body’s balance, ultimately leading to accelerated healing processes.

 One of the challenges highlighted in my thesis is the achievement of quick delivery with non-violence while rehabilitating the uninterrupted tridoshic bioenergy balance using active medicinal principles. Establishing a swift mind-body harmony bridging process is crucial to facilitate prompt self-healing. Restorative active principles that enable multilayered and self-organizing matrices can effectively aid in achieving this necessary mind-body harmony.

 The research findings provide a foundation for future researchers to focus on formulating herbal medicines based on the principles of multilayered and self-organizing matrices, aiming to achieve rapid and harmless self-healing characteristics. Such formulations should consider the compatibility of active medicinal principles with similar constructs in the body and the crucial aspect of mind-body harmony bridging.

 Furthermore, it provides a baseline for future researchers to develop methods that ensure quick delivery with non-violence while rehabilitating uninterrupted tridoshic bioenergy balance using active medicinal principles.

 In summary, my research delved into the profound connections between our internal state, external elements, and the restoration of health.

 Question by Ms. Esha Subedi: Tell us more about the School of Disruptive Innovation Toronto (sdiToronto) and its role in technology transfer in Nepal and other countries.

 Answer by Dr. Ghimire: sdiToronto is an applied innovation hub that supports entrepreneurs in addressing their current and future challenges. As a disruptive innovation agent, our primary goal is to act as a catalyst for growth, transformation, and sustainability in small agro-based commercialization industries.

 At sdiToronto, we actively collaborate with existing and prospective agri-based entrepreneurs, helping them identify opportunities and driving change to adapt to the ever-evolving market dynamics. We focus on leveraging Nepali traditional herbal production methods, ancient knowledge, technology, historical market dynamics, and local resources. By emphasizing the establishment of local agri-based entrepreneurship, we aim to reduce reliance on imports and empower local businesses.

 Our approach involves transferring advanced knowledge, skills, and technology to entrepreneurs, allowing them to integrate this expertise with country-specific emerging trends, consumer preferences, and export opportunities. By bridging the gap between traditional knowledge and scientific advancements, we support local entrepreneurs becoming disruptors within their industries.

 To date, we have successfully collaborated with fewer than a hundred Nepali entrepreneurs, working towards achieving our intended objectives. We acknowledge that we are still in a testing phase as we refine our methods and expand our impact.

 Overall, sdiToronto is committed to driving innovation and transformation in agro-based commercialization by empowering local entrepreneurs, leveraging traditional knowledge, and integrating advanced scientific practices.

 Question by Ms. Esha Subedi: What’s your role as a Technical Director of Flavorcan, and how have you been helping the Canadian Food Industry?

 Answer by Dr. Ghimire: As the Technical Director of Flavorcan, I lead and oversee various aspects of our operations to support the American and global Food Industries. At Flavorcan, we pride ourselves on being the largest Canadian-owned flavor house, catering to the needs of the food, pharmaceutical, natural health, and animal feed industries worldwide.

 As an innovative business partner, we collaborate closely with industries across the globe, helping them achieve success in their innovative plans and projects. This requires a strong business acumen to align booming industries with the ever-changing market trends.

 In my position, I work closely with our corporate Chairman and Board of Directors to review high-volume demands for custom-designed and innovative food ingredients and flavorings. Additionally, I assess food micro-ingredients to ensure their suitability for the intended use. To achieve this, I collaborate with R&D Managers, Innovation Lab, Account Managers, and Quality and Regulatory Compliance teams to ensure that the quality-by-design expectations are met, promoting the sustainability of our newly developed solutions.

 Throughout the implementation process, my primary focus is to ensure that our customers receive highly innovative food, flavor, cannabis, phytochemical, pharmaceutical, cosmetic, and animal feed ingredients that align with their intended operations and use. Drawing upon my twenty-plus years of experience, comprehensive training, and hands-on expertise in disruptive innovation, I bring valuable insights into global regulatory issues, import-export requirements, and certification standards for quality and specialty ingredients.

 As the Technical Director of Flavorcan, I drive innovation and provide highly innovative solutions to the Global Food Industry and beyond. By leveraging my extensive experience and knowledge, I ensure that our customers receive top-quality ingredients and services that align with their unique requirements, helping them stay at the forefront of their respective industries.

 Question by Ms. Esha Subedi: How are the meat and other food industries being disrupted by applying quality functions to vegetarian meat (meatless meat), vegan cheese, and cannabis-less cannabis?

 Answer by Dr. Ghimire: The disruption caused by applying quality functions to vegetarian meat (meatless meat), vegan cheese, and cannabis-less cannabis has brought about several realizations and advancements in the food industry.

 One significant realization is that meat can be produced without animal sources. Plant-based creations, such as meat analogs from agriculture, offer sustainable alternatives to traditional meat production. Additionally, the recent development of Solein, a protein derived from thin air, has opened up possibilities for alternative food sources, even in space or resource-limited environments like Mars or the moon.

 Cannabis-less cannabis had provided researchers with a placebo alternative for testing medical marijuana, especially during times when cannabis was not globally legal. These innovations have expanded research and development options, promoting advancements in the booming cannabis industry.

 The disruption caused by these innovations has emphasized that meat production does not necessarily require the slaughter of animals. Lab-grown meat can be a viable solution, similar to bread and biscuits manufacturing. Animal stem cells can be utilized like a beer factory production model if non-vegan sources are chosen.

 On the other hand, choosing vegan sources demonstrates that meat can be effectively substituted with plant-based alternatives. These advancements offer promising solutions to the future challenge of feeding an ever-growing global population amidst limitations in agriculture.

 Ultimately, the disruption brought about by these innovations signifies that scientists have identified viable options to address future food challenges. These advancements ensure that the world will have alternative ways to sustainably produce food and meet the needs of a growing population.

 Question by Ms. Esha Subedi: Do you believe an innovation gap exists between modern scientific achievements and ancient Vedic principles?

 Dr. Ghimire answers: There is undoubtedly an innovation gap between modern scientific achievements and ancient Vedic principles. The Veda primarily encompasses ancient scientific knowledge known as Vedic knowledge. This knowledge originates from deep meditation (tapas), which allows for the realization of supreme truth and eternal wisdom. The Rishis and Rishikas utilized their heightened consciousness and advanced reasoning abilities to distill their realizations into concise hymns.

 In contrast, modern science heavily relies on the collective power of individuals in laboratory settings. However, even in contemporary science, reasoning is vital in formulating hypotheses tested in controlled laboratory environments to determine their validity.

 In ancient Vedic methodology, we relied on the boundless power of human imagination and observation to uncover truths. However, these findings were rarely subjected to laboratory testing for empirical verification. On the other hand, modern science has developed advanced laboratories and aids for reasoning, yet many natural phenomena we perceive, experience, and believe still elude measurement by scientific means.

 Interestingly, the Vedic principles often delve into realms that modern science struggles to explore. Conversely, modern science frequently encounters limitations that were once overcome by the ancient Vedic approach.

 For a comprehensive understanding, these two systems have the potential to complement each other. I make this assertion because both converge upon similar truths at the border between Vedic and modern science.

 Thank you.

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