मङ्गलबार, ०६ चैत २०७४, १३ : ३०

नेपाल सरकारलाई प्रस्तुत श्वेतपत्र भित्रको एग्रोफुड सुपर क्लस्टर

गत अक्टोबरमा गैर आवासीय नेपाली संघले आयोजना गरेको पहिलो बिज्ञ सम्मेलनको निचोड र सुझावहरु सहितको श्वेतपत्र जनवरी १०, २०१९ मा विशेष समारोहबीच भूपू प्रधानमन्त्रि पुष्प कमल दाहाल समेतको उपस्थितिमा नेपालका प्रधानमन्त्रि सम्माननीय केपी शर्मा ओली जी लाइ हस्तान्तरण गरेको खबर छ। गैर आवासीय नेपाली संघका सभापति भबन भट्टले फेसबुक मार्फत जानकारी गराए अनुसार सम्माननीय केपी शर्मा ओलीले प्राप्त श्वेतपत्र नेपाल  सरकारलाई निति निर्माणको लागि महत्वपूर्ण दस्ताबेज हुने बताएका छन । भट्टका अनुसार  नेपालका प्रधानमन्त्रिको उक्त भनाइले गैर आवासीय नेपाली संघलाई आगामि दिनमा नेपाल सरकारसंग मुलुक निर्माणमा कटिबद्द रहन थप उत्साहित बनाएको छ।

हस्तान्तरण गरिएको श्वेतपत्रमा बिभीन्न सैधान्तीक र प्राबिधीक कुराहरुछन् ! विभिन्न समस्या, असन्तुष्टि, शम्भावना र समाधानको उपाय लगायत अबलम्बन गर्न सकिने कार्य योजना समेत समेटिएका छन् ! श्वेतपत्रमा रहेको नेपालमा कहिल्यै चर्चा समेत नगरिएको एग्रो–फुड सुपर क्लस्टरकाबारे सिम्पोसियमको निचोड र महत्वकान्छी योजना र सम्भावना अन्य धेरै जस्तै चर्चायोग्य उल्लेखनीय बिषय पनि समाबेश छ!

एग्रो–फुड सुपर-क्लस्टरकाबारे सिम्पोसियमको निचोड र महत्वकान्छी योजनाका अनुसार नेपाली डाएस्पोराहरुको भर्चुयल रिटर्नको ग्रिक सरकारको नलेज एन्ड पार्टनरसिप ब्रिजेज “केएपीबी” मोडलअनुरुप प्रस्तावित एग्रो–फुड सुपर क्लस्टरको लागुगर्न सकिए नेपालको समृद्धिका लागि प्राविधिक शिक्षालय, तिनका पाठ्यक्रम, बडी अफ नलेजको स्तर, स्टाटर्र्स, उद्यमी, उद्योग, बजार, उपभोक्ता र सरकारी तथा गैरसरकारी व्यावसायिक निकायबीच जरुरि परिसकेको इनोभेसन संस्कृतिको विकास गर्ने सकिने छ।

इनोभेसन संस्कृतिले स्वोदेशका कृषि, खाद्य, वन, आयुर्वेद, मेडिकल, नेचुरोप्याथी र इनोभेसनमा लागेका इनोभेटर, प्रोफेसनल, प्राविधिक ज्ञान प्रवर्धनमा लागेका, व्यावसायिक विज्ञ र त्यसै क्षेत्रका जिज्ञासु र विद्यार्थीका बीच र विदेश स्थित ल्याबरोटरिज, टेक्नोलोजी ट्रान्सफर अफिसेज र इन्क्युबेटर्सलाई पब्लिक–प्राइभेट कोलाब्रेसन मोडलमा जोड्ने सेतुको काम गर्ने छ।

एग्रो–फुड सुपर-क्लस्टर कार्यक्रम रास्ट्रिय स्तरमा लागुगर्न सक्दा सन् २०२५ भित्रै ‘उपलब्ध आधुनीक संयन्त्रको उपयोग गर्दै ‘ कम्तिमा ७० हजार रैथाने सिप र साधनमा आधारित स्वोरोजगार मार्फत कम्तिमा ३ लाख रोजगारी दिने र सिधै मापनगर्न सकिने प्रकृतीको झन्डै ३० मिलियन डलरको आय गराउन सक्ने अनुमान छ ! एग्रो–फुड सुपर क्लस्टरको दुरगामी सकारात्मक असर असिमित रहने पनि श्वेतपत्रले खुलाएको छ !

केनेडियान नेपाली डाएस्पोराहरुको केनडाको अनुभबका आधारमा नेपाल सरकारलाई प्रस्तुत गरिएको एग्रो–फुड सुपर क्लस्टर कार्यक्रमको मर्म बारे पछिल्लो समयमा नेपालको छिमेकि देश भारतको सरकारले महसुश मात्र गरेको मात्र गरेको हैन  “खाद्य प्रसंस्करण उद्योग मंत्रालय” अन्तरगत कार्यक्रमनै बनाएर लागुनै गरिसकेको छ ! जुन यो लिंकमा  हेर्न सकिन्छ !


गैर आवासीय नेपाली संघका सभापति भबन भट्टले आश गरेअनुरुप,  नेपाली डाएस्पोराहरुलाई नेपालका सरकारका विज्ञ र सरोकारवाला निकायहरुले यसको मर्म तल्काल महसुश गरि कार्यक्रमनै बनाएर लागुनै गर्ने हद सम्म पुग्नेछन् भनि आशगर्न सकिने बिस्वाश नेपालका प्रधानमन्त्रि सम्माननीय केपी शर्मा ओलीजीको प्रतिक्रिया र आस्वासनले दिएको छ !

आफ्नै तरिकाको भौगोलिक, प्रशासनिक र ईनोभेसन चाहना बोकेको नेपालमा भने यो एग्रो–फुड सुपर क्लस्टर मोडल केनेडाको मोडलको तर सरकारबाट अलि पृथक एनआरएनएका बिज्ञ,उधमी, सरोकारवाला निकायका बिज्ञ र सरकारको बिज्ञहरु समाबेश भएको योजना आयोग अन्तर्गतको स्वोयत्त निकाय मार्फत संचालन गरिनु उपयुक्त हुने धेरैको बुजाई छ !
गैर आवासीय नेपाली संघको पहिलो बिज्ञ सम्मेलनको निचोड र सुझावहरु सहितको श्वेतपत्र जनवरी १०, २०१९ मा संलग्न एग्रो–फुड सुपर क्लस्टर सिम्पोसियमको मिल्दो जुल्दो बेहोरा तल उल्लेख छ!

The summary of presentations, recommendations and plan of action of Agro-food Innovation Supercluster presented on first NRN Global Knowledge Convention 2018 during focussed session is now finalized and is as below.


In 2015 the world population was 7.2 billion. It has been projected to reach 9.6 billion by 2050. Innovators across the globe have identified the ways to compensate such feeding needs. The global initiatives witnessing that medicinal and aromatics plants and creatures are going to be major components of protein, food supplements, health products, sanitary products, and textiles raw materials of next generations. That has the great economic growth potential to Nepal. Nepal is the homeland of about 7000 plants several valueadded creatures that has great potential to contribute for innovations needed for next generations. Nepal is situated between India and China with market proximity of world half population where in India there are huge demands of vegetarian (2/3rd population) and herbs product and in China (above 60%) the demands for food with insects and herbs.

Nepali diaspora has skills and experience to link Nepal potential with real opportunities to grab the upcoming changing market demands created by changing circumstances. The first symposium to uncover a possibility of formation of diaspora backed consortium of large and small companies, crosssectoral industry organizations, post-secondary institutions, and government agencies committed to a system based farm to fork approach in energizing innovation in holistic Agri-Food commercialization potentials was conducted in the capital of Nepal. There was an active participation from NRNA think tanks, foreign delegates, governments level think tanks including minister of agriculture and animal, chamber of commerce and the representatives from most stakeholders under the scope of innovation superclusters. The estimated delivery potential during the idea inceptions of the agro-innovation supercluster project was minimum $30 M in tangible economic benefits with 300,000 new jobs in the new area and over 70,000 self-employment opportunities by 2025.

Summary of Presentations

The brief disclosure in regard to idea inceptions and immediate benefits of diaspora backed agro-food innovation supercluster formation initiatives a white paper was presented about the current status of Nepal, existed gap, a potential for improvements and expectation from NRNA. Briefcase studies and interpretations on how that outcome can be linked with Nepalese context were highlighted. Specific examples of current and next generations potential of Nepal in medicinal and aromatic biomass, ayurvedic biomass and others biomass including rubber, jatropha, and insects plants were explored while citing the need and sustainability of initiating diaspora backed Agrobased Innovation Supercluster in Nepal that was critically discussed among high-level panel discussions.

During the discussion and interactions, participants were agreed that a diaspora backed incubations centres were of the urgent need of the country. The discussion has uncovered the need for further networking in a wider context, core team formulation including a representative of the government, NRNA think tank, FNCCI and subject other stakeholders including provincial governments and partners. For that, at the start, a national level policy formulation and endorsements from the government of Nepal was encouraged. After the national level policy formulation and endorsements, the implementation schedule anticipated was finding appropriate implementation module with participation and contribution of identified partners and stakeholders, engaging direct and indirect beneficiaries in a consortium of large and small companies, cross-sectoral industry organizations, post-secondary institutions, and government agencies. Afterward, initial node is expected before initiating to invite global incubators and players to review in-country development and establishment of their footprints. That could institutionalize or link knowledge & partnership bridges among foreign laboratories, technology transfer offices, incubators and research intuition’s with local academic institutions, researchers SMEs and stakeholders for sustainability.

The diaspora backed agro-innovation supercluster was expected to participate in encouraging schools and higher studies to upgrade (estimated minimum 60 years’ old body of knowledge based ) academic content so that body of knowledge of higher and technical studies align with local market needs.

Encourage to networked among academic and commercial intuitions including government agencies with diaspora backed Innovative Incubators. Seed the ideas to develop clusters and superclusters. Identify and depute or link diaspora with appropriate knowledge and experiences to link local expertise with overseas through the virtual return.


NRNA headquarters need to discuss and agree that there is a need for national-level policy formulation and endorsements from the government of Nepal. And need to officially request to form such policy and forming a core team including the representative of a government, NRNA think-tank, FNCCI, and subject other stakeholders including provincial governments and partners to initiate the proposed actions.

  1. The government of Nepal needs to formulate a national level policy and endorse forming a core National Team as requested by NRNA.
  2. NRNA need to coordinate for the initial arrangement of start-up capital through stakeholders and partners contributions and participation.
  3. The Team should allow working independently on their own accord to deliver the anticipated results.

Plan of Action:

  1. Proposal realization and acceptance by NRN ICC – as soon as possible
  2. Made official Request to Government of Nepal to Formalize policy and Team – TBD
  3. Facilitate Team to take active parts for action plan and schedule – TBD

Chair: Hon Mr Chakra Pani Khanal (Minister of Agriculture and Livestock Development)

Modertors: Mr Bikash Bidari Ms Manju Chhetri

Presenters: Mr Yogendra Kumar Karki and Mr Shanker Sapkota (Joint Secretary Ministry of Agriculture Livestock Development / Information Officer), Mr Narayan Ghimire (Food Scientist Flavorist, Flavorcan Inc. Canada), Mr Tilak Bhandari (Institute of Rubber Jatropha Research-Nepal)

Panel Discussion Members: Dr Dev Bhaktta Shakya (Ex Director Agro Enterprise Center Nepal), Mr Hikmat Thapa (Senior GM Dagote Group Africa), Dr Matina Vaidhya (Department of Food Quality Control), Dr Poorna Kanta Adhikari (President, Institute for Conflict Management Peace and Development (ICPD) Kathmandu) Mr Shekhar Golcha (Senior VP, FNCCI)

Coordinators: Mr Mahabir Pun (Chairman, Nepal Innovation Center), Mr Narayan Ghimire (Food Scientist Flavorist, Flavorcan Inc. Canada)
